Free HD Screen Protector & Camera Lens Protector w/ iPhone 16, 15, 14 or Samsung S24 case purchase. Free Shipping on orders $20+

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We're here to help.

If you have any issues concerning your recent order or need assistance with a return or exchange, please use the contact form below. We will get back to you no later than 1 business day (usually a lot faster). Our customer service is handled through email (contact form) so we may document all communication and serve the customer in a quicker and more efficient way.

f you have had your case longer than 30 days and you need to submit a warranty claim for a defective item, all warranty issues can be handled by going to: to submit a claim. (Do not use this link for assistance with new orders/returns or exchanges).

If you are looking to return a product... please use the contact form below and include your full name, order number (if you have it) and request for return.